Tuesday, June 23, 2009


FoLk ArT HAlloWeen WitCh BooK of speLLs CroW

Let me present a Witch Spell Primitive Book and OLD CrOW! double double, toil and trouble, fire burn and cauldron bubble! that is the beginning line of the witch's spell poem! made of muslin, aged to prim perfection with grungy techniques, welcome a touch of magic into your home....tucked in a corner, it will stir up spells and magical conversation!

the crow is on an old spool, that i bought on one of my travels to salem, mass. he wears a witch hat, is trimmed in aged cheesecloth with cinnamon,moss and rags...

the book has a black base, measures about 13 inches across......mr crow is about a foot tall, including the spool.....should you have a question, please email me!! Remember, Halloween is never far away!!!!!!! mary marymattis@worldnet.att.net Polkadothill!!
You can find this item and more here..........


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